7/17/24 USA Mirrors Iran




                          I Am Nika

         Laurie Allen USA Hunted @ 63


History on Boycottbelfast.blogspot.com

7/17/24 Sent to all in Laurie's Lists.

To All,

By chance, on 7/16/24, I learned of police immunity on Investigative TV.  For 14 years, Belfast City Council/Hall to Augusta State House, Maine Judiciary with Maine Healthcare system, implicated businesses for profit and non-profit, attorneys, media, foundations, religion/support sectors, community, neighbors, Stevens Institute of Technology, and their serially ill, drug rapist Dr. Donald Lombardi have protection to take my life, everyone, and every thing connected to me.

Fearing retribution is their worm hole. Confident to rape, take and break of their desire. Confident to kill true threats to their domain with immunity and media control.

I am their true threat. Accountable, honest, hard working, clean history (Belfast record fabrications against me began in 2014 when I exposed Lombardi after drug rapist Bill Cosby was reported) and protecting mother against all in my purview. Bottom to top, each hole connected, underground tunnels of ego's, greed and psycopathic rules.

The hundreds and hundreds of those that I have contacted that claim democracy are enablers. None are willing to risk theirs, regardless of this nationwide police state against accountability and freedom of expression. As a mother, I will not accept this escalating horror. As proven. 
en.wikipedia.org› wiki › Police_state
Police state - Wikipedia
June 15, 2024 - A police state describes a state whose government institutions exercise an extreme level of control over civil society and liberties. There is typically little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive, and the...

Reporting and sponsoring of system chosen stories is PBS. As government corruption assaulted my home before purchase 6/28/2010, my then, new neighbor, 20 feet across, PBS MPBN VP, would reveal more of the same that are destroying democracy. To date. Sealing my fate to record my death and rejoice to his network, tunneling local to global, as PBS does. Breaking my heart, believing PBS was true and free. 

Charles is witness and contributor to all that has been done to me. I have nothing to hide, no reason to lie. Charles and System, have everything to hide, all reasons that they lie and escalate.

I will hope for AP accounting and reporting as they did to expose me globally, on their wire as a terrorist in 2/2018. Per the local worm hole, Republican Journal, Village Soup, fabrication as I was kidnapped into jail to die a bad, free for all rape, call it a suicide. Never to refute the libel. As downtown Belfast and all connected had a documented social media party upon false arrest and certain rape death.

As stated, the State of Maine has fraudulently destroyed my heating furnace in 2020 through Maine Fuels, Searsport, Maine and federally funded Liheap, dissolved my Obama health insurance, continuing any and all actions to survive. They induced cancer through another kidnapping for 2 months, into MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital, 1/8/2019, forced pills and tainted tea in MaineHealth Spring Harbor Psychiatric Acute Care. The back up in case the 700 days of cancerous ankle shackle tracking and flooding of my body, home and vehicles with satellite ray's, as pictured, Dr. Lombardi military strength and more immunity. So much more. 

I do all I can to stay alive for my children. To heal all this damage done to them. I may never see them again. It's been years. For their protection. If this cancer is deadly, and pain becomes unbearable, a mercy death will be my choice. Do not report my death as a suicide. Report murder by System Decree of Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD, Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, State of Maine and United States Government/Judiciary System.

As Always,
Laurie Allen


Police immunity United  States

Qualified Immunity is a judicially created doctrine in the United States that shields government officials, including police officers, from being held personally liable for constitutional violations, such as excessive force, under federal law, as long as they did not violate “clearly established” law.

Key Principles:

  1. Clearly Established Law: The doctrine requires that the law be clearly established at the time of the alleged violation, making it difficult for plaintiffs to overcome qualified immunity.
  2. Reasonable Officer: The Supreme Court has emphasized that the doctrine is intended to protect “all but the plainly incompetent or those who knowingly violate the law.” A reasonable officer standard is applied, making it challenging for plaintiffs to demonstrate that the officer’s conduct was unreasonable.
  3. Two-Part Test: Courts apply a two-part test to determine whether qualified immunity applies:
    • Did the officer violate a constitutional right?
    • Was the right clearly established at the time of the violation?

Challenges and Criticisms:

  1. Difficulty in Overcoming Immunity: The doctrine’s requirements make it challenging for plaintiffs to overcome qualified immunity, leading to few successful lawsuits against police officers.
  2. Lack of Accountability: Critics argue that qualified immunity allows police officers to engage in unconstitutional behavior with impunity, undermining accountability and trust in law enforcement.
  3. Narrowing of Constitutional Protections: The doctrine’s emphasis on “clearly established law” can lead to a narrowing of constitutional protections, as courts may not recognize new or evolving rights.

Proposed Reforms:

  1. Abolishing Qualified Immunity: Some propose abolishing qualified immunity altogether, while others suggest modifying the doctrine to make it easier for plaintiffs to overcome immunity.
  2. Statutory Changes: Congress has introduced bills aimed at limiting qualified immunity, such as the Justice in Policing Act, which would prevent state and local law enforcement officers from raising qualified immunity as a defense in civil rights suits.

Recent Developments:

  1. Supreme Court Cases: The Supreme Court has addressed qualified immunity in several recent cases, including Malley v. Briggs (1986), Pearson v. Callahan (2009), and Vega v. Tekoh (2022).
  2. Congressional Action: The Justice in Policing Act, introduced in response to nationwide protests over police brutality, includes provisions aimed at limiting qualified immunity.
  3. State and Local Reforms: Some states and local governments have adopted reforms to limit qualified immunity or create alternative immunity doctrines.


Police immunity in the United States is a complex and controversial issue. While the doctrine was intended to balance accountability and protection for government officials, its application has been criticized for undermining constitutional protections and allowing police officers to engage in unconstitutional behavior with impunity. Ongoing debates and proposed reforms aim to address these concerns and ensure greater accountability and transparency in law enforcement.

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Also posted on SenatorAngusKing.blogspot.com with details of his Federal power for global system rapists and healthcare fraud. Poisoning my battered body with cancer via  MaineHealth & State of Maine forced drugging. Drug King Pin Rapist, Dr. Donald Lombardi PhD, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, Pharmaceutical KillHer Special Order.

Without Norah Hogan and the Associated Press reporting this system eternal silencing,  escalation is endless to the youngest of our hearts. Please do.

Laurie Allen


All in Laurie's List's should know I was to die a bad, bad rape death in Two Bridges Correctional, Wiscasset, Maine. Cuffed and kidnapped, shock and awe assault from my home by Belfast Police Department. Fabricating charge of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. Friday night, 2/23/18.

Held in Waldo Jail, Belfast with 25k bond. Cop hands up and down my body. Fingerprinting with deliberate touching. TV selling vibrators and erotica through the nights. Creepy predators with badge immunity. 

I was cuffed, shackled and transferred on Monday, 2/26/18, to Two Bridges Correctional, Wiscasset, Maine. Almost 2 hours away. Tuesday 2/27/18, 4th day of my hunger strike, was my hearing with female Judge Dobson (Waldo County Clerk Brooke Otis recorded as Monday, 2/26/18, to cover up mandated 24 hour hearing. Weekends not counted. Their Friday night special for females). 

Dobson held the unobtainable 25k bail. Regardless of clean record, innocent video that was private from 11/2017 where I flippantly thanked Belfast Officials for being my target while I filmed my hand after a target shoot. No weapon and I have never owned a gun. An only time target shot with my partner's rifle. Filming my shoot and never stating anyone while shooting or after when viewing the standard $1.49 paper red circle target. Precedence set with the NJ boardwalk target shoot game with Obama's face on it. 



In the Line of Ire

Can you shoot an Obama target?

Is it legal to shoot at a picture of the president?

boardwalk game in Seaside Heights, N.J., features a moving target of President Barack Obama. Contestants hurl baseballs in his direction. A Pennsylvania amusement company pulled a target-shooting game last week that included Obama’s image. Is it legal to take aim at a representation of the president?

Absolutely. The First Amendment protects the right to free expression, which includes the right to shoot, burn, or in any way destroy an image of anyone including the president as long you’re not posing a “credible threat.” The standard here is whether there is genuine intent to commit or incite violence, and also whether that violence is likely to actually occur. If there’s no “clear and present danger,” as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. put it, there’s no basis for censorship. So unless the Seaside Heights boardwalk is, in fact, a surreptitious assassination training ground, the game is perfectly legal.

There’s a long history of threatening presidential representations. Hanging in effigy was a common form of political protest in the 18th and 19th centuries. Presidents Washington, Adams, and Jefferson were all hanged in effigy; and before the civil war, “Hang Abe Lincoln on a Sour Apple Tree” was a commonly sung parody of “John Brown’s Body.” (There was a similar song about Lincoln’s southern counterpart, Jefferson Davis.) George W. Bush was routinely hanged and burned in effigy in the United States, including during the famous “Pants on Fire Tour” led by Ben and Jerry’s co-founder Ben Cohen, who hit the road with a 12-foot tall effigy of Bush.

Flippant verbal threats against the president are similarly OK. In 1966, 18-year-old Robert Watts was at a public rally by the Washington Monument when he said, in reference to the draft, “If they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get in my sights is L.B.J.” He was arrested and prosecuted, but his conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court in Watts v. United States—the justices ruled that jokes about killing the president do not present a credible threat. Nearly two decades later, Ardith McPherson, a clerical worker in the office of the Constable of Harris County, Texas, was fired after she told her boyfriend, following reports of the Reagan assassination attempt, “If they go for him again, I hope they get him.” McPherson sued for reinstatement claiming her First Amendment rights had been violated. The Supreme Court agreed, reiterating that comments or jokes made with no intent to act are perfectly legal free speech.

The United States Secret Service routinely investigates threats against the president. Most of these cases are dismissed quickly as not credible, meaning the individual under investigation does not truly intend to harm the president and does not have the means to do so. An Alabama teacher was suspended in May after using the example of assassinating President Obama to illustrate angles in geometry. The Secret Service investigated but then declined to pursue the case. The school admitted that the lesson had been in poor taste.

On Wednesday, 2/28/18, the noon TV news was on and reported my bail was reduced to 5k. Waldo Jail/Corrections refused to take the 5k cash bail payment from my partner, Wednesday - Friday, 3/2/18. They told him he could not drive to Two Bridges and bail me out there. Two Bridges did not tell me that my daughter had put $50 in this commissary to make calls and buy salt. I could not make any phone calls by intention.

I knew my partner had 5k of mine to pay the bail. Each day I asked the guard if my bail was paid. NO! Friday morning, 3/2/2018 @ 8 am, I asked the guard again. He snickered with knowing "No bail paid" I knew then that I was going to die a very brutal, free for all rape assault that weekend. Claiming a suicide. It was the only time I cried.

Then, I began giving and writing instructions to an outgoing cellmate getting released at 9 am. The guard was listening and watching. After she left at 9 am, an announcement was made over the speaker. "Allen prepare for transfer to Belfast in 15 minutes." My bail had not been paid. Two Bridges bailed on my rape, assault, hate death to me. 

Media, government, with Steven's and their global drug rapist guru, Dr. D. L*mb*rdi (he is able to receive notification when I enter his full name. Hacking and raping to death with documentation of his.) to cover up and protect horrors like Iran. Under their USA mask of democracy. Women without rights or life, chosen by the sickest of man.  The Kings Of Rape, Take, Break, Intake 4 System Profit. Masochistic Torture by implication & invitation. JustUs preferred.

The BBC investigates below horror, while PBS assists in my end. As Senator Angus King is in the news promoting local news. I am surrounded by rapists and worse. Where did America go? I ask again and again. They are immune. I am in self jail at home with their cancer eating me to death. The truth of all time. By one little female. I done good. No matter what they fabricate.Just another mother. Next. Not over my dead body. Give me an interview. To tell all. Just skimming the scum here.


Secret document says Iran security forces molested and killed teen protester

  • By Bertram Hill, Aida Miller and Michael Simkin
  • BBC Eye Investigations

Nika was just 16 years old when she disappeared during protests against Iran's strict dress code for women

An Iranian teenager was sexually assaulted and killed by three men working for Iran's security forces, a leaked document understood to have been written by those forces says.

It has let us map what happened to 16-year-old Nika Shakarami who vanished from an anti-regime protest in 2022.

Her body was found nine days later. The government claimed she killed herself.

We put the report's allegations to Iran's government and its Revolutionary Guards. They did not respond.

Marked "Highly Confidential", the report summarises a hearing on Nika's case held by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) - the security force that defends the country's Islamic establishment. It includes what it says are the names of her killers and the senior commanders who tried to hide the truth.

It contains disturbing details of events in the back of an undercover van in which security forces were restraining Nika. These include:

  • One of the men molested her while he was sitting on her
  • Despite being handcuffed and restrained, she fought back, kicking and swearing
  • An admission that this provoked the men to beat her with batons

There are numerous fake Iranian official documents in circulation, so the BBC spent months checking every detail with multiple sources.

Our extensive investigations indicate the papers we obtained do chronicle the teenager's last movements.

Nika Shakarami's disappearance and death were widely reported, and her picture has become synonymous with the fight by women in Iran for greater freedoms. As street protests spread across Iran in the autumn of 2022, her name was shouted by crowds furious at the country's strict rules on the compulsory veil [hijab].

The Woman, Life, Freedom movement had been sparked just days earlier by the death of a 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amini. She died from injuries sustained in police custody according to a UN fact-finding mission after being accused of not wearing her hijab properly.

In Nika's case, her family found her body in a mortuary more than a week after she disappeared from a protest. But Iran's authorities denied Nika's death was connected to the demonstration and, after conducting their own investigation, said that she had died by suicide.

Just before she vanished, Nika was filmed on the evening of 20 September near Laleh Park in central Tehran, standing on a dumpster setting fire to hijabs.

Others around her chanted "death to the dictator" - referring to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

What she could not have known at the time is that she was being watched, as the classified report makes clear.

Addressed to the IRGC's commander-in-chief, it says it is based on extensive talks with its teams that policed that protest.

Monitoring the demonstration were several undercover security units, the document's account begins.

It says one of these - Team 12 - suspected the teenager "of leadership, due to her unconventional behaviour and repeated calls with her mobile phone".

The team sent one of its operatives into the crowd, posing as a protester, to confirm Nika was indeed one of the demonstration's leaders. Then, according to the report, he called in his team to arrest her. But she fled.

Her aunt had previously told BBC Persian that Nika rang a friend that night to say she was being chased by security forces.

Almost an hour passed before she was spotted again, says the report, when she was detained and put in the team's vehicle - an unmarked freezer van.

Nika was in the rear compartment with three Team 12 members - Arash Kalhor, Sadegh Monjazy, and Behrooz Sadeghy.

Their team leader Morteza Jalil was up front with the driver.

The group then attempted to find somewhere to take her, the report says.

They tried a temporary police camp nearby but were turned away because it was overcrowded.

So they continued to a detention centre, a 35-minute drive away, whose commander initially agreed to admit Nika. But then he changed his mind.

"The accused [Nika] was constantly swearing and chanting," he told investigators for the report.

"At that time, there were 14 other female detainees at the station and my perception was that she could agitate the others.

"I was worried she would cause a riot".

Morteza Jalil once again contacted his IRGC HQ for advice, says the report, and was told to head to Tehran's notorious Evin Prison.

En route, he said he began to hear crashing noises behind him coming from the pitch-dark rear compartment of the van.

We know what he was hearing, from the testimony outlined in the document from the men guarding Nika in the back.

One of them, Behrooz Sadeghy, said as soon as she had been put back into the van after being rejected by the detention centre, Nika had started to swear and shout.

"Arash Kalhor gagged her mouth with his socks but she started struggling. Then Sadegh [Monjazy] laid her on the chest freezer and sat on her. The situation calmed," he told investigators.

"I don't know what happened, but after a few minutes she started swearing. I couldn't see anything, I could only hear fighting and bashing."

But Arash Kalhor gave further chilling details.

He says he briefly turned on his phone torch and saw Sadegh Monjazy "[has] put his hand inside her trousers".

Arash Kalhor said after that they lost control.

"He doesn't know… who [was doing it], but he could hear… the baton hitting the accused [Nika]... 'I started to kick and punch but really didn't know if I was hitting our guys or the accused.'"

But Sadegh Monjazy contradicted Arash Kalhor's statement, which he said was motivated by professional jealousy. He denied putting his hand in her trousers - but said he could not deny that he became "aroused" while sitting on her and touched Nika's buttocks.

He said this provoked Nika - despite the fact her hands were tied behind her back - to scratch him and jolt so that he fell over.

"She kicked at my face, so I had to defend myself."

From the van's cabin, Morteza Jalil ordered the driver to pull over.

He opened the rear door to discover Nika's lifeless body.

He said he cleaned the blood from her face and head - "which were not in a good condition".

This echoes the state in which Nika's mother says she eventually found her daughter in the mortuary, and Nika's death certificate - obtained by BBC Persian in October 2022 - which states she was killed by "multiple injuries caused by blows with a hard object".

Team leader Morteza Jalil admitted he didn't try to find out what had happened.

"I was only thinking about how to transfer her and didn't ask any questions of anyone. I only asked: 'Is she breathing?' I think it was Behrooz Sadeghy who answered, 'no, she is dead'."

With a killing on his hands, Jalil called the IRGC's HQ for a third time.

On this occasion, he spoke to a more senior officer, codenamed "Naeem 16".

"We already had deaths in our stations, and I didn't want the number to rise to 20," Naeem 16 told the investigation. "Bringing her to the base wouldn't have solved any problems."

He told Jalil to simply "dump her on the street". Jalil said they left Nika's body in a quiet street under Tehran's Yadegar-e-Emam highway.

The report concludes that a sexual assault caused the fight in the rear compartment of the van, and that strikes from Team 12 had caused Nika's death.

"Three batons and three Tasers were all used. It is not clear which one of the blows was the fatal one," it says.

The report contradicts the government's narrative of what happened to Nika. Nearly a month after her funeral, state television broadcast the results of the official investigation, which said Nika had jumped to her death from a building.

It showed CCTV of a person it claimed was Nika entering an apartment block, but Nika's mother told BBC Persian in a phone interview that she could not "under any circumstances, confirm that person is Nika".

"We all know that they are lying," Nasrin Shakarami later told a BBC documentary, discussing authorities' claims about the deaths of protesters.

The BBC Eye investigation was not just concerned with the content of the report, but whether it could be trusted as an artefact.

Sometimes, what appear to be official Iranian documents and other materials circulating on the internet are found to have been faked.

Most of these counterfeit documents, however, are easy to spot because they clearly diverge from official formatting - showing erroneous spacing and letter headings, or containing significant grammatical or spelling errors.

They might also include the wrong official slogan or logo for the year they purport to originate from, or an anachronistic title for a government agency or department, for example.

Another indicator is language that does not match the very specific style that tends to be used by Iranian official bodies.

The document our investigation centred on contained a few such inconsistencies. For instance, the "Naja" police force quoted in the report was known as "Faraja" at the time.

Therefore, to further test the document's veracity, we gave it to a former Iranian intelligence officer who has seen hundreds of legitimate ones.

He rang the IRGC archive - using an official code issued each day to senior intelligence officers in Iran - to check if the case file this report was allegedly part of really existed and what it was about.

He received confirmation that it did, and that the report's number showed it was part of a 322-page case file on anti-government protesters in 2022.

While we can never be 100% certain, this gave us confidence that it is genuine.

His unique access to the IRGC also helped us iron out another mystery - the identity of "Naeem 16", the man who told the team to dump Nika's body.

The former intelligence officer did this by making another call - this time to someone inside Iran's military apparatus. He was told Naeem 16 is the call sign for a Captain Mohammad Zamani, serving in the IRGC.

That name is listed as one of the attendees at the five-hour hearing into Nika's death that the report summarises.

We put the allegations to the IRGC and the Iranian government. They did not respond.

The men responsible for Nika's death were not punished, so far as we know.

A clue as to why that might be the case can be found in the document itself. All of Team 12 - who were at the hearing - are listed in the report and to the right of their names is the group to which they belong: "Hezbollah".

This refers to an Iranian paramilitary group, Hezbollah, unrelated to the Lebanese group of the same name. Its members are used by the IRGC but sometimes operate outside its jurisdiction, as the report seems to acknowledge:

"Since the above persons belonged to the forces of Hezbollah, following up this case beyond obtaining the necessary commitments and security guarantees has not been possible," it says.

IRGC officer Naeem 16, on the other hand, was given a written reprimand, it adds.

As many as 551 protesters were killed by security forces during Iran's Woman, Life, Freedom movement, most of them by gunfire, according to the UN's fact-finding mission.

The protests subsided after a few months due to the bloody crackdown by security forces. There followed a lull in activity by Iran's morality police, but a new crackdown on breaches of the Islamic dress code began earlier this month.

Among those to have been arrested is Nika's elder sister, Aida
